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Found 17281 results for any of the keywords violence against. Time 0.008 seconds.
Disability Support Toolkit | 1800RESPECTThe Disability Support Toolkit has resources for frontline workers supporting people with disability who have been impacted by violence and abuse. It includes guidelines, fact sheets, videos and Easy English resources.
Fort Worth Domestic Violence Attorney | Andrew Deegan Attorney At LawThe definition of assault is found in Section 22.01 of the Texas Penal Code. Assault domestic violence is also called assault family violence. This is an assault that is committed against a family member, household membe
Deaf Access - DeafHopeNational Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women: Violence in the Lives of Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Asian American Attacks: What's Behind the Rise in Violence? | TIMRecent anti-Asian hate crimes have targeted the elderly, but many caution against looking to police for safety, saying community efforts are needed.
AVA Trustees - AVA - Against Violence AbuseTrustees are the people who ensure that a charity works in the best interests of its mission and beneficiaries. At AVA our trustees are also company directors, as we are a company limited under guarantee as well as a reg
Domestic Violence and Abuse - HelpGuide.orgAre you or someone you care about in an abusive relationship? Learn about domestic abuse, including the more subtle signs.
Ending gender-based violence | Department of Social Services, AustraliOur department is responsible for designing and implementing national programs and initiatives, as well as building the evidence base, in relation to women and children’s safety. Our activity supports the vision of the N
When Georgia Smiled Get HelpFREE Online Domestic Violence Education
WORT 89.9FM Madison, WisconsinWORT-FM is a non-commercial, listener-sponsored, member controlled, community radio station broadcasting to South-Central Wisconsin.
Homepage | RSFReporters Without Borders promotes and defends the freedom to be informed and to inform others throughout the world. Based in Paris, it has international offices (Berlin, Brussels, Geneva, Madrid, Stockholm, Tripoli, Tun
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